Web Design » Canva » How To Add Excel to Canva? [2024 Simple Guide]

How To Add Excel to Canva? [2024 Simple Guide]

Last updated on February 7, 2024 @ 2:07 pm

Incorporating Excel into your Canva workflow is a straightforward process. With just a few simple steps, you can integrate your preferred spreadsheet program into Canva, allowing you to create visually appealing designs that incorporate your Excel data. Here’s how to get started:

1. Log in to your Canva account and click on the “Create a Design” button.

2. In the drop-down menu that will appear, click on the “Import file” option to import the Excel file into Canva.

3. You can also drag the Excel file directly into Canva. You can then check the uploaded file under the Recent Designs section.

4. Once the file is uploaded, you can use it in your design just like any other image. You can resize it, crop it, add filters, etc.

That’s all there is to it! With just a few clicks, you can add Excel to Canva and start creating beautiful designs. Give it a try today!

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add Excel to Canva, be aware that this may not work as intended. Canva does support some Office files, and Excel is one of them. If you try to upload an Excel file, it will likely be retained in a .xlsx file. This means that you will be able to edit the file in Canva, however, you may lose some of the current formatting applied in the original Excel file.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.