Web Design » Figma » Are Figma and Adobe XD Same?

Are Figma and Adobe XD Same?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:17 pm

Adobe XD and Figma are both vector drawing tools that allow designers to create high-quality graphics for web and mobile app design. Both tools have their own strengths and weaknesses, but overall they are very similar. Here is a comparison of the two tools.

User interface

Adobe XD has a clean and simple user interface that is easy to learn and use. Figma also has a clean and simple user interface, but it is more complex than Adobe XD and can be more difficult to learn. Overall, Adobe XD is the better choice for beginners.


Both Adobe XD and Figma offer a variety of features for designers. However, Adobe XD has more features than Figma.

For example, Adobe XD offers a wider variety of brushes and pen types, as well as more advanced features such as support for pressure-sensitive pens. Overall, Adobe XD is the better choice for designers who need more advanced features.

PRO TIP: Figma and Adobe XD are not the same. While they may have some similarities, they are two different software programs. If you are familiar with one, it does not mean you will be familiar with the other. Be sure to read up on both before deciding which one to use for your project.


Adobe XD is a subscription-based software with a monthly or annual price. Figma is also subscription-based, but it offers a free tier for personal use.

For professional use, Figma is less expensive than Adobe XD. Overall, Figma is the better choice for budget-conscious designers.


Overall, both Figma and Adobe XD offer great features for designers. However, Adobe XD has more features than Figma and is better suited for beginners. For budget-conscious designers, Figma is the better choice.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.