Website Building » Wix » Are Wix Filters bad?

Are Wix Filters bad?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:27 am

Wix filters are a popular way to customize the look and feel of your website. They allow you to add custom content, customize your website’s colors, and more.

However, some people believe that Wix filters are bad for your website.


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Some people argue that Wix filters can damage your website’s appearance. If you use a filter that changes the color of your site’s background, for example, a filter that makes your site look like a photo album, your site’s background will look different on every browser.

PRO TIP: If you are asking if WIX filters are bad, then the answer is yes. They are known to cause engine problems and should be avoided.

This can make it difficult for people to know where to click on your website.

Additionally, some people believe that Wix filters can actually damage your website’s functionality. If you use a filter that changes the way your site looks, for example, a filter that makes your site look like a fake magazine, people will not be able to easily find the information they are looking for on your website.

This can lead to decreased traffic and lost business.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.