Domains » Namecheap » At Namecheap, we strongly believe in privacy, so this service is free. No contact details means no unwanted emails….Can I add the free Whois privacy service to my existing domain?

At Namecheap, we strongly believe in privacy, so this service is free. No contact details means no unwanted emails….Can I add the free Whois privacy service to my existing domain?

Last updated on January 4, 2023 @ 4:47 am

If you already have a domain name and want to add the Namecheap Whois privacy service, you can do so by following these simple steps:

1. Log into your Namecheap account.

2. Click on the Domains & Registrations tab.

3. Click on the Add a Domain button.

4. On the Add a Domain page, under Whois Privacy, select the Yes, I want to add the Namecheap Whois privacy service to my domain! check box.

5. Enter your domain name into the Domain name field.

6. Click on the Go button.

7. On the confirmation page, click on the Go to Whois page link.

8. On the Whois page, under Domain data, select the Yes, I want to add the Namecheap Whois privacy service to my domain! check box.

10. On the Whois page, under Domain data, you will now see the Namecheap Whois privacy service added to your domain.

11. Click on the Save changes button.

12. Click on the Close button.

13. Congratulations, your domain is now protected with the Namecheap Whois privacy service!.

PRO TIP: If you add the free Whois privacy service to your existing domain, your contact details will be hidden from the public. However, Namecheap may still send you unwanted emails.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.