Website Building » Weebly » Can I Copy a Weebly Site to Another Account?

Can I Copy a Weebly Site to Another Account?

Last updated on December 30, 2022 @ 9:37 am

If you want to move your Weebly site to another account, you can do so by copying your site’s HTML code and pasting it into the new account. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Log into your Weebly account and go to the editor.

2. Click on the Settings tab and then select General.

3. Scroll down to the Advanced Settings section and click on Export Site.

4. A pop-up window will appear asking you if you want to export your site’s content or your entire site. Select Export Site.

5. Another pop-up window will appear asking you where you want to save the file. Select a location and click Save.

6. Once the file has been saved, log into the new Weebly account and go to the editor.

7. Scroll down to the Advanced Settings section and click on Import Site.

8. A pop-up window will appear asking you if you want to import your site’s content or your entire site. Select Import Site.

9. Another pop-up window will appear asking you where you want to import the file from. Select the location of the file and click Open.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about copying a Weebly site to another account, there are a few things you should know. First, Weebly does not support copying sites between accounts. If you try to do this, you may end up losing some or all of your content. Second, even if you are able to copy your site, any links or images that are embedded from other sites may not work properly on your new account. Finally, if you have a paid Weebly plan, you will need to cancel it before you can copy your site to another account.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.