Website Building » Squarespace » Can I Put Text Over an Image in Squarespace?

Can I Put Text Over an Image in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:19 am

If you want to add text over an image on your Squarespace website, there are a few options available to you. You can use the built-in Image Block, or you can use a third-party plugin like Image overlays.

The Image Block is a good option if you want to add a simple title or caption over your image. To add an Image Block, go to the page or post where you want to add the image and select the Image Block from the menu.

Then upload your image and add your text. You can also adjust the opacity of the text overlay and the position of the text on the image.

PRO TIP: When adding text over an image on Squarespace, be aware that the image may be covered or replaced entirely by the text depending on the text size, font, and color. In some cases, the text may be unreadable.

If you want more control over how your text looks, or if you want to add an overlay effect like a box or frame around your text, then you can use a third-party plugin like Image overlays. With this plugin, you can select from a variety of overlay effects and customize the colors, fonts, and position of your text.

In conclusion, you can put text over an image in Squarespace by using the built-in Image Block or by using a third-party plugin like Image overlays.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.