Web Design » Figma » Can I Use Figma Offline?

Can I Use Figma Offline?

Last updated on December 4, 2022 @ 3:13 pm

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows users to collaborate on the design process in real time. It is similar to other design tools such as Sketch and Adobe XD.

One of the benefits of Figma is that it can be used offline. This means that if you’re working on a plane or in an area with a poor internet connection, you can still access your Figma files. To use Figma offline, you first need to download the Figma desktop app.

Once you’ve installed the app, log in with your Figma account details. Then, go to the ‘Offline’ tab in the app settings and toggle the ‘Enable Offline Mode’ switch. Once an offline mode is enabled, you’ll be able to access your Figma files without an internet connection.

Figma desktop app

The Pros and Cons of Using Figma While You’re Not Online

Figma is undeniably a fantastic UI design platform, and the fact that it has an offline version has simplified a great deal of work. The technical details having been covered, we can now examine the benefits and drawbacks of Figma Offline.

The benefits of Figma offline:

  • It’s possible to use plugins that aren’t compatible with web browser APIs when working offline. You’ll get more out of it after installing the plugins, which may be a hassle.
  • Layers can be made using this, and they can contain things like simple shapes, frames, vector networks, and Boolean operations.
  • The layer properties were easily editable in the offline version. You’d have a plethora of options for stroke, fill, layer order, dimensions, and more.
  • It would be possible to use or even make use of components found in your immediate area.
  • The offline mode allows you to save your work with minimal effort. The .fig extension is added, and the file does not contain any revision or comment information.

Limitations of Figma offline:

  • Using Figma offline prevents you from accessing the Figma file browser.
  • Notifications of messages sent to you by other team members will not reach you.
  • It is not possible to create new files or even open previously saved ones while using the offline version.
  • New plugins are not supported, and library resources cannot be used.
  • You can’t take advantage of the multiplayer options. For example – you cannot identify if the other person is active or not. There is no co-op pointing or monitoring functionality.


Despite these limitations, being able to use Figma offline can be a useful feature, particularly if you work in an environment where internet connections are unreliable.

A tweet from Figma from 2018 indicates that they are still working on the offline feature:

For now, any changes made offline can be synced when you get back online.

The length of time that your modifications remain in the browser is dependent on the browser you are using. While Figma can keep data in most browsers for up to 30 days, certain browsers only store data for a few days. The following is a list of compatible browsers and time periods:

  • All versions of Google Chrome 58 and up (30 days)
  • A 51+ version of Mozilla Firefox (30 days)
  • Browser version: Safari 10.1 or later (7 days)
  • Chrome for Windows 10 18+ Microsoft Edge (30 days)
  • Opera 45+ (30 days)

Helpful icons in Figma when saving designs

Nonetheless, being disconnected doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. An icon will appear in the toolbar if you experience a connection issue with Figma while you’re working.

save online - figma statusBy clicking on the icon, you can see that Figma is attempting to save your work.
offline status in FigmaThe offline status indicator indicates to Figma that you are not currently online. The status of your connection will be indicated by a tooltip as well.

Autosave feature of Figma

While autosave can prevent you from losing progress in the event of a crash, it does not replace the online experience. It greatly lessens the likelihood of data loss, particularly under the following conditions:

  • Your internet connection is spotty, or you suddenly lose connectivity.
  • Figma, your web browser, or your OS has crashed.
  • Losing access to Figma because of a browser crash, a machine restart, or a power outage.
PRO TIP: If you are working offline in Figma, you will not be able to access any files that are stored in the cloud. This includes any files that you have open in the Figma web app, as well as any files that are stored in your Figma account.


As you can see, working offline with Figma is a breeze! By following the steps above, you’ll be able to keep your design workflows moving even when there’s no internet connection. So next time you’re headed on a plane or to a remote location, make sure to take Figma along for the ride.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.