Web Design » Figma » Can I use Figma on browser?

Can I use Figma on browser?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:54 pm

Figma is a versatile and popular tool for creating interactive designs and prototypes. It can be used on a computer or on a mobile device, making it a versatile tool for creating designs and prototypes.

Figma is a versatile and popular tool for creating interactive designs and prototypes. It can be used on a computer or a mobile device, making it a versatile tool for creating designs and prototypes.

The downside to using Figma on a browser is that the software is not as user-friendly as it is on a computer. There are some features that are not available on a browser, such as the ability to add layers and curves.

PRO TIP: While Figma can be used on a browser, we do not recommend using it this way. The Figma web app is a wrapper around the Electron app, which means it lacks some of the features and performance of the desktop app.

However, with a little bit of trial and error, most users should be able to get up and running with Figma on a browser.

Overall, Figma is a popular and versatile tool for creating interactive designs and prototypes.

However, the user interface is not as user-friendly as it is on a computer, so those new to Figma may need some assistance to get started.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.