Website Building » Weebly » Can I use Weebly for free?

Can I use Weebly for free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:57 am

Weebly is a great way to create a website, but there are some things to keep in mind before signing up. First, Weebly charges a monthly subscription fee for some features. However, there are ways to get around this fee. For example, you can create a custom account and use the free version of Weebly without paying the monthly fee. Second, Weebly offers a limited number of templates and design options. If you want to create a website that looks different from the others, you will have to pay for a custom design.

PRO TIP: Weebly does offer a free plan, however there are some limitations to be aware of. The free plan only allows for a maximum of 500MB of storage and you will also have Weebly branding on your site. If you need more storage or do not want Weebly branding, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Finally, Weebly only allows you to use a limited number of fonts and images on your website. If you want to use more fonts and images, you will have to pay for them. However, Weebly offers a number of free fonts and images that you can use on your website. Overall, Weebly is a great way to create a website, but you will have to pay for some features that are available for free on other websites.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.