Web Design » InVision » Can we download assets from InVision?

Can we download assets from InVision?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:10 pm

InVision is a platform for creating and sharing digital designs with your team. You can use InVision to create wireframes, prototypes, and ultimately, a final product.

One of the great features of InVision is that you can download your designs so that you can continue working on them offline. This is great for when you’re on a plane or stuck in a meeting, and you don’t have access to a computer.

PRO TIP: InVision is a platform that allows designers to create and share interactive prototypes of their designs. It is not intended for downloading assets. If you download assets from InVision, you may be violating the terms of service and could be subject to legal action.

However, there is one caveat: you can’t download assets that are licensed under Creative Commons. This means that you can’t download designs that are licensed under CC BY, CC BY-SA, or CC0.

In conclusion, InVision is a great tool for designing digital products. However, be aware that you can’t download designs that are licensed under Creative Commons.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.