Web Design » Canva » Can You Add Custom Text to Canva?

Can You Add Custom Text to Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 9:44 pm

Customizing your text is a great way to make your design unique and stand out. Canva makes it easy to add custom text to your designs with our easy-to-use text editor.

With the text editor in Canva, you can change the color of your text, add effects like bolding or underlining, and even add links. You can also adjust the spacing of your text, and change the font.

To add custom text to your design:

1. Click on the Text tool in the left toolbar. 2. Click anywhere on your design canvas to add a text box. 3. Enter your text into the text box. 4. To change the color of your text, click on the color swatch next to the font size options. A color picker will appear where you can select any color you’d like.

5. To apply an effect to your text, click on the “A” icon next to the color swatch. From here you can select effects like bolding, underlining, and adding links. 6. To adjust the spacing of your text, click on the “A” icon next to the color swatch and select “Line Spacing” from the menu that appears. From here you can choose how spaced out you’d like your text to be. 7. To change the font of your text, click on the “A” icon next to the color swatch and select “Font Family” from the menu that appears. A new window will open with all of the different font options available in Canva.

Can You Add Custom Text to Canva?
You sure can! With Canva’s easy-to-use text editor, you can customize yourtext by changingthe color, adding effects like bolding or underlining, adjusting spacing, and even adding links!

PRO TIP: Canva allows users to add custom text to images, however, doing so may result in a copyright infringement. Adding custom text to Canva images may be considered illegal if the image is copyrighted and the user does not have permission from the copyright holder to use the image.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.