Website Building » WooCommerce » Can You Bulk Edit in WooCommerce?

Can You Bulk Edit in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:51 pm

Bulk editing in WooCommerce is a great way to make changes to multiple products at the same time. It can be used to update prices, descriptions, images, and more.

To bulk edit products in WooCommerce, go to Products > Bulk Edit. From here, you can select the products you want to edit by ticking the checkboxes next to their names. Once you’ve selected the products you want to edit, choose the data you want to change from the dropdown menus.

For example, if you wanted to update the prices of all your selected products, you would choose “Price” from the first dropdown menu and then enter the new price in the second field. You can also enter a percentage increase or decrease if you want all your prices to be updated by a certain amount.

Once you’ve made your changes, click the “Update” button and your changes will be applied to all of the selected products.

PRO TIP: Bulk editing in WooCommerce is a great way to make changes to multiple products at the same time, but there are some things you need to be aware of before you start.

First, make sure you have a backup of your site before you begin. Bulk editing can make a lot of changes to your products, and if something goes wrong, you don’t want to lose all of your data.

Second, be careful when editing prices. If you accidentally set a price too low, you may end up losing money on each sale.

Finally, take your time when bulk editing. It’s easy to make mistakes when you’re making so many changes at once. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a lot of broken products on your hands.

Bulk editing is a great way to make changes to multiple products at once in WooCommerce.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.