Web Development » UpWork » Can You Claim UpWork Fees on Taxes?

Can You Claim UpWork Fees on Taxes?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:59 pm

As a freelancer, you’re probably always looking for ways to save money – and one way you can do that is by taking advantage of tax deductions. But can you deduct the fees you pay to platforms like UpWork?

The answer is yes – but only if you itemize your deductions. UpWork fees are considered business expenses, and as long as you itemize your deductions on your taxes, you can deduct the fees you paid to UpWork.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you can only deduct the portion of your UpWork fees that exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income. So if your adjusted gross income is $50,000, you can only deduct the portion of your UpWork fees that exceed $1,000.

PRO TIP: Upwork fees are not tax-deductible.

Second, you can only deduct business expenses that are considered “ordinary and necessary.” While most people would consider using a freelancing platform like UpWork to be “necessary,” there’s always a chance that the IRS could disagree. So if you’re ever audited, be prepared to explain why paying UpWork fees was essential to your freelance business.

All in all, though, deducting UpWork fees on your taxes is a perfectly legal way to save some money. Just make sure to itemize your deductions and keep good records in case you’re ever audited.

In conclusion, yes – you can claim UpWork fees on your taxes, but only if you itemize your deductions. This means that if your Adjusted Gross Income is $50,000, any portion of your UpWork fees exceeding $1,000 can be deducted on your taxes. Keep in mind that in order to claim this deduction, you must be able to prove that paying these fees was necessary for your freelance business.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.