Website Building » Weebly » Can You Code With Weebly?

Can You Code With Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:00 pm

Weebly is a popular website builder that enables users to create professional looking websites without any prior coding knowledge. Weebly is simple to use and offers a wide range of features, which makes it a great option for those looking to build a website without any fuss.

So, can you code with Weebly? The answer is yes! Weebly enables users to add their own HTML and CSS code to their websites, giving them the ability to customise their site however they wish.

This means that those with coding knowledge can create unique website designs that are not possible with other website builders.

PRO TIP: Weebly is a popular website builder, but it is not a good platform for coding. The code is very clunky and difficult to work with, and there are no advanced features or options. If you want to learn to code, we recommend using a different platform.

Weebly also offers a wide range of templates and themes which can be easily customised with your own HTML and CSS code. This makes it easy to create a professional looking website even if you don’t have any coding knowledge.

So if you’re looking for a simple to use website builder that also gives you the ability to add your own code, then Weebly is a great option for you. With Weebly, you can create a unique website that is tailored to your specific needs.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.