Web Design » Figma » Can you convert Figma to code?

Can you convert Figma to code?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:08 pm

Figma is a user interface design tool that allows users to create interactive designs with a drag and drop interface. Once designs are complete, they can be exported to code for further development or use in other software.

There are a few ways to export designs from Figma to code. The first is to use the Export function in the Figma interface.

This exports the design as a series of JSON files. The files can then be imported into a code editor and used as a starting point for development.

The second way to export designs from Figma is to use the Export As function. This exports the design as a series of SVG files.

PRO TIP: Figma is a vector graphics editor and prototyping tool – it cannot be directly converted to code. If you’re looking to generate code from your designs, we recommend using a dedicated tool like Abstract or Figma’s built-in plugin, Porto.

The files can then be imported into a code editor and used as a starting point for development.

Both methods of exporting designs from Figma produce code that is ready for development. However, the Export function produces code that is more organised and structured. The Export As function produces code that is more organic and less organised.

The main benefit of using the Export As function is that it allows users to export designs as they are working on them. This allows for more rapid development.

Overall, both methods of exporting designs from Figma produce code that is ready for development. However, using the Export As function is more efficient and allows for more rapid development.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.