Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Create a Forum on Squarespace?

Can You Create a Forum on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:47 am

If you’re looking to start a forum, you’re in luck! Squarespace makes it easy to create a forum on their platform. All you need is a Squarespace account and a few minutes of your time.

Creating a forum on Squarespace is simple and straightforward. To get started, log into your Squarespace account and go to the “Pages” tab. From there, click on the “+ Add Page” button and select “Forum” from the list of page types.

Once you’ve selected “Forum” as your page type, you’ll be taken to a page where you can choose a layout for your forum. Squarespace offers two different layout options for forums: threaded and linear. Threaded forums are great for discussion-based forums, while linear forums are better suited for Q&A-style forums.

PRO TIP: While it is possible to create a forum on Squarespace, it is not recommended. The platform is not designed for forums and there are better options available. Additionally, forums can be resource-intensive and may cause your site to run slowly.

Once you’ve chosen a layout, it’s time to start adding content to your forum. To do this, click on the “Add Topic” button.

This will open up a new window where you can enter a title and description for your topic. You can also add tags to help organize your forum topics.

After you’ve added a few topics to your forum, it’s time to start inviting members. To do this, go to the “Members” tab and click on the “Invite Members” button. From there, you can enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite to your forum.

That’s all there is to it! With just a few clicks, you can easily create a forum on Squarespace.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.