Website Building » Shopify » Can You Delete Tags in Shopify?

Can You Delete Tags in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 5:08 am

When you tag products in Shopify, you’re essentially categorizing them so you can keep track of what you have in stock. This is helpful when you want to find specific items later on, or see how much of a certain product you have left. You can add as many tags as you want to each product, and there is no limit to the number of products you can tag.

PRO TIP: If you delete a tag in Shopify, any products that were using that tag will no longer be associated with it. This means that customers will no longer be able to find those products using the tag.

However, there is no way to delete tags once they’ve been created. This means that if you make a mistake when tagging a product, or decide that you no longer need a certain tag, you’re stuck with it. The only workaround is to create a new tag with the correct name, and then reassign all of the products that were tagged with the old tag to the new one.

This can be time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of products that are tagged with the same thing. It would be much easier if there was a way to delete tags, but unfortunately Shopify doesn’t offer this feature.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.