Website Building » Weebly » Can You Go Back on Weebly?

Can You Go Back on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 6:21 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows users to create and edit their own website with ease. However, once a website is created, it can be difficult to go back and edit the Weebly code.

This is because Weebly uses its own proprietary code, which is not compatible with HTML. However, there are some ways to work around this issue.

If you want to edit your Weebly website, you will first need to export it as an HTML file. To do this, go to the Weebly editor and click on the “Site” tab.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about going back on Weebly, there are a few things you should know. First, Weebly can be a little tricky to use. There are a lot of different features and options, and it can be easy to get lost. Second, Weebly can be slow. If you are trying to make a lot of changes or add a lot of content, it can take a while for the changes to show up. Finally, Weebly can be frustrating. If you run into any problems, it can be difficult to get help from customer service.

Then, click on the “Export” button. This will allow you to save your Weebly site as an HTML file on your computer.

Once you have exported your Weebly site, you can then open the HTML file in a text editor such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text. From here, you can make changes to the HTML code and save the file. You can then upload the edited HTML file back onto your Weebly site by going to the “Site” tab and clicking on the “Import” button.

While it is possible to edit a Weebly site using HTML, it is not recommended for beginners. Weebly’s proprietary code is not well-documented and can be difficult to understand. If you are not comfortable working with code, it is best to stick with the Weebly editor.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.