Website Building » Shopify » Can you import discount codes into Shopify?

Can you import discount codes into Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:11 am

If you’re looking to take advantage of discounts offered by your favorite online retailers, you can easily import those codes into Shopify. Simply open your Shopify admin panel and go to the “Sales” section. There, you’ll find a list of all the retailers you’ve signed up for email notifications from.

Just click on the “Discount Codes” tab and enter the code into the “Import Discount Code” field. Shopify will then automatically apply the discount to your products.

If you’re not interested in receiving discounts from specific retailers, you can also use this feature to get discounts on products from any online retailer. Just enter the code into the “Import Discount Code” field and Shopify will automatically apply the discount to your products.

PRO TIP: Discount codes can be imported into Shopify, but they must be formatted correctly in order to be imported successfully. If the discount codes are not formatted correctly, they will not be imported into Shopify and will not work.

This is a great way to take advantage of deals that are available on a wide range of products.

Finally, if you want to remove a discount code from your products, just go to the “Sales” section and click on the “Discount Codes” tab. There, you’ll find a list of all the codes you’ve imported.

Just click on the code you want to remove and it will be removed from all your products.

So, if you’re looking to take advantage of discounts offered by your favorite online retailers, importing discount codes into Shopify is a great way to do it. Just be sure to keep track of which codes you’re using as you might need to remove a code from your products if you no longer want to receive discounts from that retailer.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.