Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Insert Tables in Squarespace?

Can You Insert Tables in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 28, 2022 @ 5:32 pm

You can insert tables in Squarespace by using the HTML <table> tag. This tag is used to create a table element, which consists of rows and columns.

PRO TIP: While it is possible to insert tables into Squarespace, it is not recommended as they can cause issues with the formatting of your site. Tables can also make your site slower to load.

To create a table, you need to use the <tr> (table row) and <td> (table data) tags. The <tr> tag defines a row in the table, while the <td> tag defines a cell in the row.

To style your table, you can use the CSS properties for tables. These properties include the border, background, and font properties. You can also use the align and valign attributes to align the text in your table.

The bottom line is that you can insert tables in Squarespace by using the HTML <table> tag. You can style your table by using the CSS properties for tables.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.