Web Design » Canva » Can You Make an Interactive Map on Canva?

Can You Make an Interactive Map on Canva?

Last updated on December 3, 2022 @ 10:22 pm

Yes, you can make an interactive map on Canva!

Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool that is perfect for creating interactive maps. With Canva, you can easily add text, shapes, and images to your map, and then share it with others. Plus, thanks to Canva’s handy sharing capabilities, you can even collaborate with others on your map design!

PRO TIP: Can You Make an Interactive Map on Canva?

If you are looking to create an interactive map, we recommend using a different program than Canva. While you can create a map on Canva, it will not be interactive and therefore may not be as useful to you as you hope.

Here’s how to create an interactive map on Canva:

  1. Start by creating a new Canva design. To do this, simply log in to your Canva account and click on the “Create a design” button. Then, select “Custom dimensions” and enter the dimensions for your map.
  2. Next, add a background. To make your map more visually appealing, you can add a background. To do this, simply click on the “Background” tab and select a background image from Canva’s library of over 1 million stock images, or upload your own image.
  3. Now it’s time to add some content! To make your map more interactive, start by adding some content. This could include text, images, shapes, or even videos. Simply click on the “Elements” tab and drag-and-drop your desired content onto your map.
  4. Once you’re happy with your map, it’s time to share it! Canva makes it easy to share your maps with others. Simply click on the “Share” button and select how you’d like to share your map. You can share it via email, social media, or even generate a link that you can share with others.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article has helped you learn how to create an interactive map on Canva.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.