Web Design » Canva » Can You Make Folders on Canva?

Can You Make Folders on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 7:51 pm

Yes, you can make folders on Canva!

To create a new folder, simply click on the “Folders” tab in the left-hand sidebar and then click on the “Create a new folder” button. Give your folder a name and then click on the “Create” button. Your new folder will now appear in the left-hand sidebar.

PRO TIP: Can You Make Folders on Canva?

If you are planning to use Canva to organize your design projects, be aware that there is no way to create folders within the application. This means that all of your designs will be stored in a flat structure, which can quickly become chaotic and difficult to navigate.

You can move designs into your new folder by selecting the design (or designs) that you want to move and then clicking on the “Move to” button. Select your new folder from the list of options and then click on the “Move” button. Your design(s) will now be moved into your new folder.

Can You Make Folders on Canva?

Yes, folders can be created on Canva!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.