Web Design » Canva » Can You Make Printable Banners on Canva?

Can You Make Printable Banners on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 6:23 pm

Yes, you can make printable banners on Canva!

Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool that is perfect for creating all kinds of visuals, including printable banners. With Canva, you can easily create custom banners in any size, shape, or color you want. Plus, there are plenty of templates and tools available to help you get started.

PRO TIP: While Canva does offer a banner printing service, we recommend using a professional printing company for your banner needs. Canva’s print quality may not be up to par with a professional printing company, and banners are typically printed on vinyl or fabric, which Canva does not currently support.

Here are some tips for creating printable banners with Canva:

  • Choose a template: Canva offers a wide variety of banner templates to choose from. Simply select the template that best suits your needs and start customizing it.
  • Customize the colors: You can easily customize the colors of your banner to match your brand or event. Simply click on the “Change colors” button and select the colors you want to use.
  • Add your own images: Canva also makes it easy to add your own images to your banners.

    Simply click on the “Uploads” tab and upload the images you want to use. You can also search for free stock photos within Canva.

  • Add text: Don’t forget to add some text to your banner! Use the “Text” tool to add headlines, body copy, or call-to-action text.


Yes, you can easily create printable banners using Canva. With its user-friendly interface and wide variety of templates and tools, Canva is the perfect platform for creating custom banners in any size, shape, or color.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.