Website Building » Shopify » Can you run ads on Shopify?

Can you run ads on Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:06 am

There are a few different ways to run ads on Shopify. The first option is to use a third-party ad management platform, like Google Adsense or Facebook Ads.

These platforms will allow you to create ads, manage your budgets, and track your traffic.

Another option is to use Shopify’s built-in ad platform. This platform includes tools like ad scheduling, ad Targeting, and ad reporting.

PRO TIP: While you can technically run ads on Shopify, it is not recommended as it can result in lower quality traffic and conversions. Additionally, it can be difficult to track the ROI of your advertising spend on Shopify, so it is often not worth the investment.

You can also create your own ads using Shopify’s ad builder.

Overall, there are a few different options for running ads on Shopify. Depending on your needs, one option may be more suitable than another.

However, all of these platforms offer powerful ad management capabilities that can help you reach your Target audience.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.