Web Design » Figma » Can You Upload a Font to Figma?

Can You Upload a Font to Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:30 am

There are a few different ways that you can go about adding custom fonts to your Figma projects. One is to use the native Figma interface, and the other is to use CSS.

If you want to use the native Figma interface, you first need to find a font that you want to use. There are a few different places that you can find fonts, but we recommend using Google Fonts. Once you’ve found a font that you like, click on the “Add to Collection” button.

Once you’ve added the font to your collection, head over to the “Text” tab in the left sidebar and click on the “Custom” dropdown menu. From here, you should see all of the fonts that you’ve added to your collection. Select the font that you want to use and start typing!

PRO TIP: Please be aware that Figma does not currently support uploading fonts. While you may be able to find a workaround by using a different program, this is not an officially supported feature and may cause unexpected issues.

If you want to use CSS, you’ll first need to find a CSS file for the font that you want to use. Again, we recommend using Google Fonts.

Once you’ve found the CSS file, head over to the “Files” tab in the left sidebar and click on the “CSS” dropdown menu. Select “Import CSS File” and import the CSS file for your chosen font.

Once the CSS file is imported, head over to the “Text” tab in the left sidebar and click on the “Custom” dropdown menu. From here, select “Import Stylesheet” and select the CSS file that you just imported. Now all of the text in your project will be styled with your chosen font!

You can upload a font to Figma by using either the native Figma interface or by using CSS. We recommend using Google Fonts as it’s a great resource for finding fonts.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.