Web Design » Figma » Do Figma Figures Come With a Stand?

Do Figma Figures Come With a Stand?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:32 am

Figma figures are designed to be displayed without a stand, but many people choose to use one anyway. While Figma does not include a stand with their figures, they are easy to find and purchase online or at your local hobby store. There are many different designs and styles of stands available, so you can find one that best suits your figure and display needs.

Whether or not you use a stand for your Figma figure is entirely up to you. Some people prefer the clean look of a figure without a stand, while others like the extra stability and support that a stand provides. Ultimately, it is your decision and you should do whatever makes you happy with your figure collection.

PRO TIP: Figma figures do not come with a stand. If you plan on displaying your figma figure, be sure to purchase a stand separately.


So, do Figma figures come with a stand No, they do not.

However, this does not mean that you cannot use a stand with your figure. There are many different types of stands available on the market, so you can easily find one that suits your needs. Ultimately, whether or not you use a stand for your Figma figure is entirely up to you.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.