Web Design » Photoshop » Do Professionals Use Photoshop?

Do Professionals Use Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 8:39 pm

As a professional photographer, I can say that Photoshop is an essential tool in my workflow. I use it for everything from basic photo editing to creating complex composite images. It’s a powerful program that gives me a lot of control over my images.

There are some people who argue that professionals should not use Photoshop. They say that it’s a crutch that allows photographers to create unrealistic images.

PRO TIP: While Photoshop is a widely used program by professionals, it is important to note that not all professionals use Photoshop. There are a variety of programs out there that professionals use depending on their needs.

While it’s true that Photoshop can be used to create images that are not realistic, I believe that it’s a tool that should be used in moderation. When used correctly, Photoshop can help create beautiful images that wouldn’t be possible without it.

So, do professionals use Photoshop? Yes, we do!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.