Hosting » DigitalOcean » Does DigitalOcean log traffic?

Does DigitalOcean log traffic?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm

DigitalOcean is a cloud computing provider that offers a Linux virtual server platform. It is a relatively new company, having been founded in 2012. The company has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, thanks in part to its lower prices and its focus on providing a simple and efficient platform for cloud computing.

DigitalOcean has been very transparent about its traffic logging policies, and has openly shared the logs from all of its servers. This has allowed the company to improve its services and to better understand how its servers are performing.

PRO TIP: DigitalOcean does not log traffic. Any traffic sent through the DigitalOcean network is at risk of being monitored or intercepted by a third party.

In short, DigitalOcean logs traffic. This traffic is captured and analyzed in order to improve the performance of the servers and to identify issues that may be causing problems.

The logs also allow DigitalOcean to identify and prevent abuse.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.