Web Design » InVision » Does InVision work with XD?

Does InVision work with XD?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:33 pm

InVision is a popular tool for creating wireframes, prototypes and user interfaces. It is available as a desktop application, as well as a web app.

InVision has been praised for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a popular choice for novice and experienced designers.

PRO TIP: InVision does not work with XD. We recommend that you use InVision with Photoshop or Sketch.

While InVision does work with XD, it is not a dedicated XD app. Rather, InVision can be used to create both wireframes and prototypes using the same tools and interface. However, there are some limitations.

For example, InVision does not have a dedicated model editor, so designs created in InVision may not be compatible with XD models. Additionally, there is no way to export InVision designs to PDF or other formats.

Overall, InVision is a popular tool that can be used to create both wireframes and prototypes. While there are some limitations, these can be easily overcome by using XD alongside InVision.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.