Web Design » Photoshop » Does Photoshop Have Vector Layers?

Does Photoshop Have Vector Layers?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:22 pm

Photoshop is a widely used program for digital image editing and creation. It is used by both professional photographers and graphic designers, as well as amateurs.

One of the most common questions asked about Photoshop is “Does Photoshop have vector layers?”

PRO TIP: Photoshop is a pixel-based program, which means it works best with bitmap images made up of pixels. Vector images, on the other hand, are made up of mathematical curves and can be infinitely resized without losing quality. So, while Photoshop CAN work with vector images, it’s not ideal and you’ll likely get better results using a vector program like Adobe Illustrator.

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Photoshop does have a vector layer type, but it is not the same as a true vector layer found in programs such as Adobe Illustrator. Photoshop’s vector layer is more similar to a Smart Object. Smart Objects are layers that contain image data, but the data is not made up of pixels.

Instead, Smart Objects are made up of vectors. This means that they can be scaled without losing quality.

So, while Photoshop does have a vector layer type, it is not the same as a true vector layer. If you are looking for a program that offers true vector layers, you will need to look elsewhere, such as Adobe Illustrator.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.