Website Building » Weebly » Does Weebly Have a Mobile Editor?

Does Weebly Have a Mobile Editor?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:07 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows users to create and edit pages without having to know HTML. Weebly has both a desktop and mobile editor, making it easy to edit your site from anywhere.

The Weebly mobile editor is very similar to the desktop editor, with a few minor differences. The mobile editor has a simplified interface that is optimized for touchscreen devices.

The most notable difference is the lack of a drag-and-drop interface; instead, users must add elements by tapping on them in the Add Elements menu.

PRO TIP: Weebly does not currently have a mobile editor, so you cannot make changes to your Weebly site using a mobile device. This could change in the future, but for now, you will need to use a desktop or laptop computer to edit your Weebly site.

Overall, the Weebly mobile editor is a great way to edit your website on the go. It’s easy to use and has all the same features as the desktop editor.

In conclusion, Weebly does have a mobile editor that is easy to use and has all the same features as the desktop editor.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.