Website Building » Weebly » Does Weebly Let You Connect a Domain for Free?

Does Weebly Let You Connect a Domain for Free?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 6:34 pm

Weebly is a popular website builder that allows users to create a website without having to write any code. Weebly is free to use, but you can only use a Weebly subdomain ( unless you upgrade to a paid plan. However, it is possible to connect a custom domain to your Weebly website for free. You just need to follow a few steps.

In order to connect a custom domain, you will first need to sign up for a Weebly account and create a website.

Once your website is created, you will need to log in to your Weebly account and click on the “Domains” tab. From here, you will be able to enter your custom domain name and Weebly will generate the DNS records that you will need to add to your domain’s DNS settings.

PRO TIP: Weebly does not currently offer a free domain connection service. If you are interested in using Weebly to connect your domain, you will need to sign up for a paid account.

Once you have added the DNS records to your domain, you will need to wait for them to propagate (which can take up to 24 hours). After the DNS records have propagated, your custom domain should be working with your Weebly website!


Yes, it is possible to connect a custom domain name to a Weebly website for free. You just need to follow a few simple steps in order to get it set up.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.