Website Building » WooCommerce » Does WooCommerce Need Stripe?

Does WooCommerce Need Stripe?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:45 am

WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform for small businesses and startups. It is simple to set up and use, and it offers a lot of features and flexibility for a relatively low price.

One of the things that makes WooCommerce so popular is that it integrates with Stripe, a payment processing company. This means that you can accept credit card payments on your WooCommerce site without having to set up a separate merchant account.

However, you may be wondering if you really need Stripe in order to use WooCommerce. After all, there are other payment processors out there, and you may already have a merchant account that you’re using for another business. So does WooCommerce need Stripe?

PRO TIP: WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform, however, it does not come with a built-in payment processor. This means that you will need to choose a payment processor (such as Stripe) in order to accept payments on your WooCommerce store.

While Stripe is a popular choice for WooCommerce stores, it is important to note that it is not the only option. There are other payment processors out there that may better suit your needs, so be sure to do your research before settling on one.

The short answer is no, WooCommerce does not need Stripe in order to function. You can use any payment processor that you want with WooCommerce. However, Stripe does offer some advantages that other payment processors don’t. For one thing, it’s extremely easy to set up and use.

You can be up and running with Stripe in just a few minutes, and there’s no paperwork or setup fees involved. Additionally, Stripe has very low transaction fees, which can save you money if you’re processing a lot of payments. Finally, Stripe is integrated into WooCommerce, which means that it’s easy to accept payments on your WooCommerce site. If you’re looking for the easiest way to accept credit card payments on your WooCommerce site, then Stripe is the best option.

So does WooCommerce need stripe? While it is not required in order to use the platform, stripe does offer some advantages that other payment processors don’t.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.