Web Design » Canva » How Can I Download Infographics in Canva for Free?

How Can I Download Infographics in Canva for Free?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 3:25 pm

If you’re looking to download some amazing infographics for free, then look no further than Canva. Canva is a great resource for anyone looking to create beautiful visuals for their website or blog.

With over 1 million templates and tools available, all of varying levels of complexity, there really is something for everyone. And the best part? Most of what Canva offers is completely free!

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a free infographic, be sure to check the source before downloading. Canva is a great resource for finding infographics, but many of the items on the site are for purchase only.

To download an infographic from Canva, simply head to the website and sign up for a free account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to browse through the millions of templates and designs available.

When you find one that you like, simply click on the “Download” button and choose the file format that you want to download it in. That’s it! You now have a beautiful infographic that you can use however you’d like.

So whether you’re looking to add some visual interest to your blog posts or you need an infographic for a school project, be sure to check out Canva. With its vast array of templates and easy-to-use interface, you’ll be able to create stunning visuals in no time – and for free!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.