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How Can I Make Photoshop Run Faster on My Mac?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:40 pm

Photoshop is a widely used program for crafting layouts, graphics, logos, and photos. Despite its many features and benefits, Photoshop can be a bit of a resource hog, particularly on Mac computers.

If you’re finding that Photoshop is running slowly on your Mac, there are several things you can do to help speed it up.

One way to make Photoshop run faster on your Mac is to increase the amount of RAM that is allocated to the program. The more RAM your computer has, the faster it will be able to run Photoshop (and other programs). You can check how much RAM your computer has by going to the “About This Mac” section in the Apple menu.

To increase the amount of RAM that is allocated to Photoshop, go to the “Preferences” menu within the program and select “Performance.” From here, you can increase the amount of RAM that is dedicated to Photoshop.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for ways to make Photoshop run faster on your Mac, be warned that there are many fake and/or outdated articles on the internet. Some of the methods suggested may actually make Photoshop run slower, or even crash. Before following any advice, be sure to do your research and only trust reputable sources.

Another way to help speed up Photoshop on your Mac is to make sure that you are using an up-to-date version of the program. Newer versions of Photoshop are typically more efficient and better optimized for newer computers.

You can check which version of Photoshop you are using by going to the “Help” menu and selecting “About Photoshop.” If there is a newer version available, you should download and install it.

Finally, one general tip for making any program run faster on your Mac is to make sure that your computer’s hard drive has enough free space. When hard drives get full, they can start to slow down.

You can check how much free space is on your hard drive by going to the “About This Mac” section in the Apple menu. If your hard drive is getting full, you may need to delete some files or install an external hard drive.

Conclusion: How Can I Make Photoshop Run Faster on My Mac?
There are several things you can do help speed up Photoshop on your Mac computer including increasing the amount of RAM allocated to Photoshop, making sure you are using an up-to-date version of the program, and ensuring that your computer’s hard drive has enough free space.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.