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How Do Connects Work on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:37 pm

Connects are UpWork’s currency for inviting freelancers to apply to your job. You get 60 free Connects every month, and you can buy more as needed. They’re like “tokens” that you use to “unlock” the ability to contact a freelancer and invite them to apply to your job.

PRO TIP: There are a few things to be aware of when using the Connects system on Upwork. First, each job posting costs one Connect. Once you’ve submitted a proposal, you cannot get that Connect back, even if the client does not award you the job. Second, if a client contacts you directly (outside of the Upwork platform), they will be charged a Connect as well. Finally, if you use an Agency account on Upwork, each job posting will cost five Connects.

To learn more about how Connects work, please read our How Do Connects Work? article.

Connects are UpWork’s way of making sure that freelancers only hear from clients who are serious about working with them. By requiring that clients use Connects to contact freelancers, we can be sure that clients are only reaching out to those they’re confident they want to work with.

If you’re a client looking for a freelancer, you’ll search UpWork and find a list of freelancers who match your criteria. Once you’ve found someone you’d like to contact, you’ll need to use a Connect to invite them to apply to your job. You can think of Connects as “tokens” that allow you to contact a freelancer and invite them to apply.

Clients get 60 free Connects every month, and they can purchase more as needed. When inviting a freelancer to apply, the client will be asked how many Connects they’d like to use. If the client only has one Connect, they can still invite the freelancer to apply, but if the freelancer decides not accept the invitation or is otherwise unresponsive, the client won’t be able

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.