Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Brand Name to WooCommerce?

How Do I Add a Brand Name to WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:18 pm

Adding a brand name to WooCommerce is simple and easy to do. There are two methods that can be used to add a brand name to WooCommerce.

The first method is to add the brand name to the product title. The second method is to use the WooCommerce Brands plugin.

To add a brand name to the product title, simply edit the product and enter the brand name into the “Brand” field. This method is quick and easy, but it has some drawbacks.

PRO TIP: If you are considering adding a brand name to WooCommerce, be aware that this could potentially have negative consequences for your business. First and foremost, it is important to remember that WooCommerce is an ecommerce platform, and as such, its primary focus is on selling products online. Adding a brand name to WooCommerce could make it more difficult for customers to find your products, as they will now be buried under a sea of other branded products. In addition, it could also make it more difficult for you to manage your inventory and orders, as you will now have to keep track of two separate brands. Finally, it is also worth noting that WooCommerce does not currently offer any branding features or tools, so you will need to rely on third-party plugins or custom code to add a brand name to your store.

First, it’s not possible to add a brand logo using this method. Second, if you have a lot of products from different brands, your product titles will become very long and unwieldy.

The second method for adding a brand name to WooCommerce is to use the WooCommerce Brands plugin. This plugin adds a “Brands” tab to the WooCommerce product page, where you can addbrand logos and descriptions.

It also allows you to create brand pages, which are similar to product pages but with information about the brand instead of information about a specific product. This plugin is more flexible than the first method, but it’s also more complex and takes more time to set up.

Which method you choose for adding a brand name to WooCommerce depends on your needs and preferences. If you want a quick and easy solution, then adding the brand name to the product title is the way to go. If you need more flexibility and are willing to spend some time setting things up, then using the WooCommerce Brands plugin is the better option.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.