Web Design » Canva » How Do I Add a Frame in Canva?

How Do I Add a Frame in Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 1:39 pm

There are many different ways to add a frame in Canva. You can use the frame tool, or you can add a frame by using an image or shape.

To use the frame tool, first select the object you want to frame. Then, click on the “Frame” button in the toolbar.

A drop-down menu will appear with different frame options. Choose the one you want and click “OK.”

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Canva, we recommend that you consult with a Canva expert before adding a frame to your design. Adding a frame in Canva can be tricky, and if done incorrectly, it can ruin your entire design.

You can also add a frame by using an image or shape. To do this, first select the object you want to frame.

Then, click on the “Insert” tab and choose “Image” or “Shape.” Choose the image or shape you want to use and click “Insert.”

Once you have added a frame, you can style it using the “Format” tab. Here, you can change the color, opacity, and size of your frame. You can also add a border if you want.

Adding a frame in Canva is a great way to make your design stand out. With so many options available, you can easily find a frame that fits your needs.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.