Website Building » Wix » How Do I Add a Member Area on Wix?

How Do I Add a Member Area on Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 12:15 pm

If you’re looking to add a member area to your Wix site, there are a few different ways you can go about it. You could use Wix’s built-in membership system, which allows you to create different levels of membership and give members access to certain pages or content on your site.

Alternatively, you could use a third-party service like Memberful or Memberstack, which integrate with Wix and give you more control over your member area.


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If you want to use Wix’s built-in membership system, the first thing you need to do is create a members-only page. To do this, go to the Pages tab in your Wix Editor and click on the +Add Page button.

From the dropdown menu, select Members Area and give your page a name.

Once you’ve created your members-only page, the next step is to set up your membership levels. To do this, go to the Settings tab in your Wix Editor and click on the Membership tab.

Here, you can create different levels of membership and decide what content or pages each level will have access to.

PRO TIP: If you are considering adding a member area to your Wix website, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, Wix does not currently offer any tools or features specifically for creating and managing a member area. However, there are some workarounds you can use to achieve this. Second, because there is no built-in support for member areas, it will take some extra work on your part to set one up and keep it running smoothly. Finally, be aware that any member area you create on Wix will be public and visible to anyone who visits your site.

Once you’ve created your membership levels, the next step is to add a signup form to your site so people can become members. To do this, go to the Add tab in your Wix Editor and click on the Signup Form element.

Then, just add the form to your site and customize it according to your needs.

If you want more control over your member area, you could use a third-party service like Memberful or Memberstack. These services integrate with Wix and give you more options for managing memberships, such as adding payment plans and drip content.


Overall, there are a few different ways you can go about adding a member area to your Wix site. If you want to use Wix’s built-in membership system, you need to create a members-only page and set up membership levels. Alternatively, you could use a third-party service like Memberful or Memberstack.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.