Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add a Moving Background in Squarespace?

How Do I Add a Moving Background in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 13, 2022 @ 3:26 am

There are many different ways to add a moving background in Squarespace. One way is to use an HTML5 video tag.

This will allow you to embed a video file into your Squarespace site and have it play automatically in the background. To do this, go to the “Settings” tab and click on the “Advanced” link. Then scroll down to the “Custom CSS” textarea and paste the following code:

<video autoplay loop muted>
<source src="BackgroundVideo.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Replace “BackgroundVideo.mp4” with the URL of your video file. You can also use a GIF file instead of a video file by changing the “type” attribute to “image/gif”.

If you want more control over your background video, you can use the jQuery plugin Video Background. This plugin allows you to set up a video background that will play on loop and automatically resize itself to fit the window size.

PRO TIP: Adding a moving background to your Squarespace website can be a great way to add some visual interest and excitement to your site. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before adding one:

1. Make sure the background video you choose is high-quality and optimised for web-viewing. A blurry or low-resolution video will only make your site look unprofessional.

2. Avoid using videos with excessive movement or busy patterns. Too much movement can be distracting and make it difficult for visitors to focus on your content.

3. Make sure the volume of your background video is turned down or muted completely. No one wants to be greeted by blaring music or sound effects when they visit your site!

4. Test out your background video on different browsers and devices to make sure it displays correctly and doesn’t cause any loading issues.

5. Remember that you can always remove a background video if you decide it’s not working for your site. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect solution for your needs.

It also has options for controlling playback speed, volume, and more. To install this plugin, go to the “Settings” tab and click on the “Advanced” link. Then scroll down to the “Custom Code” textarea and paste the following code:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery-videobackground.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
source: {
poster: 'path/to/poster_image', // Poster image source (Optional)
mp4: 'path/to/video_file', // MP4 video source
webm: 'path/to/video_file', // WebM video source (Optional)
ogv: 'path/to/video_file' // OGG video source (Optional)
overlay: false // Enable or disable color overlay (Optional) }); }); </script>

Replace “path/to/poster_image” with the URL of your poster image, and replace “path/to/video_file” with the URL of your video file. You can include multiple video files in different formats for compatibility with different browsers.

If you don’t want to use a poster image, you can remove that line from the code entirely.

Conclusion: In conclusion, there are many different ways that you can add a moving background in Squarespace using HTML code.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.