Website Building » Squarespace » How do I add a podcast to Squarespace?

How do I add a podcast to Squarespace?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 11:26 pm

Adding a podcast to Squarespace is easy. First, go to your Squarespace dashboard and click on “Add a New Item.” In the “Item Type” box, select “Podcast.” In the “Title” box, type a title for your podcast. In the “Description” box, type a brief description of your podcast. In the “Author” box, type the name of the creator of your podcast. In the “Publishing Frequency” box, choose a frequency for your podcast. In the “Link to iTunes” box, type the link to the iTunes page for your podcast. In the “Link to SoundCloud” box, type the link to the SoundCloud page for your podcast. Click on “Create Podcast.” You’ll now be taken to the “Podcast Settings” page. In the “Title” box, type a title for your podcast. Click on “Save Podcast.

PRO TIP: Adding a podcast to Squarespace is a simple process, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a compatible hosting provider. We recommend using Blubrry, Libsyn, Podbean, or Simplecast.

Second, create an audio block in the content editor. You can upload your audio file directly, or paste in the URL from your hosting provider.

Finally, enter the title and description for your podcast episode. Be sure to include relevant keywords so people can find your show!

” You’ll now be taken to the “Podcast Preview” page. Click on “Publish Podcast.” You’ll now be taken to the “Status” page.” You’ll now be taken to the “Content” page.” Your podcast will now be live on Squarespace!.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.