Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add a Product Review on Squarespace?

How Do I Add a Product Review on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:22 am

Adding a product review on Squarespace is easy and only takes a few minutes!

To start, log into your Squarespace account and navigate to the page where you want to add the review. Then, click on the “Add Content” button and select “Block.”

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, adding a product review on Squarespace can be dangerous. Make sure that you know what you are doing before you attempt to add a review, and be sure to follow all instructions carefully. Otherwise, you could end up damaging your website or worse.

Next, choose the “Review” block from the list of options. Then, enter your review text into the “Write your review” field. You can also add a rating by clicking on the stars next to the “Write your review” field.

Once you’re finished writing your review, click on the “Save” button. Your review will now be visible on your Squarespace website!

Adding a product review on Squarespace is easy and only takes a few minutes! To start, log into your Squarespace account and navigate to the page where you want to add the review.”

Next, choose the “Review” block from the list of options.

Once you’re finished writing your review, click on the “Save” button. Your review will now be visible on your Squarespace website!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.