Web Design » Canva » How Do I Add a Watermark to YouTube on Canva?

How Do I Add a Watermark to YouTube on Canva?

Last updated on December 7, 2022 @ 2:51 am

Adding a watermark to your YouTube channel is a great way to brand your channel and make it more recognizable. You can use Canva to create a watermark for your channel. Canva is a free online design platform that you can use to create all sorts of designs, including watermarks.

Creating a watermark in Canva is easy. First, sign up for a free account and then log in.

Once you’re logged in, click on the “Create a design” button. Then, select the “YouTube Channel Cover” template. This template is specifically designed for creating YouTube channel covers, but you can also use it to create your watermark.

Now that you’ve selected the template, you can start customizing your watermark. First, add your channel name or logo to the canvas.

You can do this by clicking on the “Text” tool and then typing in your channel name or logo. Once you’ve added your text, you can change the font, color, and size of the text.

Next, you can add additional elements to your watermark. Canva has a library of over 1 million stock images, illustrations, and icons that you can use in your design. To add an element to your design, simply click on the “Elements” tab and then drag and drop the element onto the canvas.

Once you’re happy with your design, click on the “Download” button and select the “PNG” option. This will download your watermark as a PNG file, which is a format that is compatible with YouTube. Finally, upload your watermark to YouTube as an overlay image.

Adding a watermark to your YouTube channel is a great way to brand your channel and make it more recognizable.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, adding a watermark to your YouTube video using Canva can result in the watermark being placed on top of your video instead of underneath it. This can make your video look unprofessional and could potentially dissuade viewers from watching it. To avoid this, be sure to preview your video before exporting it from Canva to make sure that the watermark is placed correctly.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.