Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add an Ebook to Squarespace?

How Do I Add an Ebook to Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:25 am

Adding an ebook to your Squarespace website is a great way to provide valuable content to your visitors. There are a few different ways to add an ebook to Squarespace, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Option 1: Add an ebook to Squarespace using an iFrame

One way to add an ebook to Squarespace is by using an iFrame. This method is relatively simple and only requires you to embed the URL of your ebook into an iFrame code block. However, this method does have some drawbacks.

First, users may have difficulty printing or downloading the ebook if it is embedded in an iFrame. Additionally, search engines may not be able to index the content of your ebook if it is embedded in an iFrame.

Option 2: Add an ebook to Squarespace as a PDF

Another way to add an ebook to Squarespace is by uploading it as a PDF file. This method allows you to host the file on your own server, which can be beneficial for bandwidth purposes. Additionally, this method makes it easy for users to print or download the ebook.

However, one downside of this method is that PDF files are not always indexed by search engines.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about adding an ebook to Squarespace, be warned that there are some potential risks. First and foremost, if you are not careful, you could end up inadvertently breaking copyright law. Secondly, even if you do everything right, there is always a chance that something could go wrong and your ebook could be lost or corrupted.

Option 3: Use a plugin or third-party service

There are also several plugins and third-party services that allow you to easily add an ebook to your Squarespace website. These services typically provide more features and options than the methods described above, but they may also be more expensive.


Adding an ebook to your Squarespace website is a great way to provide valuable content to your visitors. You can choose the best option for your website based on your needs and preferences.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.