Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add Buttons to Squarespace?

How Do I Add Buttons to Squarespace?

Last updated on December 28, 2022 @ 7:42 pm

Adding buttons to your Squarespace website is a great way to add interactivity and engagement for your visitors. Buttons can be used to link to other pages on your site, or to external sites. They can also be used to trigger pop-ups, like a contact form or an image gallery.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add buttons to Squarespace using the Block Editor. We’ll also give you some tips on how to style your buttons using HTML.

How to Add Buttons in Squarespace

Squarespace makes it easy to add buttons to your website. With the Block Editor, you can add buttons anywhere you want on your page. Simply click on the “Add Block” button and select the “Button” block from the menu.

Button Block Settings

Once you’ve added the Button block, you’ll see a number of settings that you can adjust:

  • Text: This is the text that will appear on your button. You can use HTML here to style your text.
  • Link: This is where you specify where the button should link to. It can be an internal page on your site, or an external URL.
  • Size: You can choose between Small, Medium, and Large button sizes.
  • Style: There are a number of different button styles to choose from. You can also select “None” if you want to create a custom button style using HTML.

Styling Buttons with HTML

If you want more control over how your buttons look, you can always style them using HTML. To do this, simply select the “None” style from the Style drop-down menu. Once you’ve done that, click on the “Edit HTML” button in the Block Settings panel.

This will open up the HTML editor for that block. Here, you can add any CSS styles that you want. For example, let’s say we want our button to have a black background with white text.

We would add the following CSS styles:

PRO TIP: Adding buttons to your Squarespace website can be a great way to add interactivity and engage your visitors. However, it’s important to be aware that there are some potential risks involved with doing so.

For example, if you add a button that links to an external website, you could be inadvertently directing your visitors to a malicious site. Additionally, if you add a button that allows visitors to download files from your site, you could be opening yourself up to potential legal liabilities.

With that said, if you do decide to add buttons to your Squarespace site, be sure to do so with caution and only link to trusted websites and resources.

/*Button Styles*/  .sqs-block-button--style--none { 
background: #000000; color: #ffffff; 

.sqs-block-button--style--none:hover { 
background: #333333; 

.sqs-block-button--style--none:active {
 background: #666666; 

Adding an Icon

If you want to add an icon to your button, simply select the "Icon" option from the Button block settings. This will bring up a searchable list of icons that you can choose from. Once you've found the icon you want, simply click on it and it will be added to your button.

Buttons are a great way to add interactivity and engagement for your website visitors. With Squarespace, it's easy to add buttons anywhere on your pages with the Block Editor. You can also style your buttons using HTML for more control over their appearance <p>, <b> and <u>.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.