Website Building » WordPress » How do I add dynamic pricing in WordPress?

How do I add dynamic pricing in WordPress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:44 am

Dynamic pricing is a feature that allows you to charge different prices for different products or services. You set up a pricing scheme, and when a customer enters the details of their purchase, WordPress adjusts the price according to the rules you set up.

Dynamic pricing is a great way to increase revenue and keep customers happy. It can be used to charge different prices for different products or services, or to adjust the price according to the customer’s location or time of day.

To add dynamic pricing in WordPress, first you’ll need to create a pricing scheme. This can be done in the WordPress settings screen by clicking on the “Pricing” tab and then clicking on the “Create New Pricing Scheme” button.

Next, you’ll need to set up the rules for pricing. This can be done in the “Settings” screen by clicking on the “Pricing” tab and then clicking on the “Add Rule” button.

In the “Rule Type” field, you’ll need to select “Price.” In the “Condition” field, you’ll need to select “Location.

” In the “Action” field, you’ll need to select “Set Price.”.

In the “Price Range” field, you’ll need to enter the minimum and maximum prices you want to charge. In the “Price Adjustment Mode” field, you’ll need to select “Percentage.”

PRO TIP: Dynamic pricing can be a great way to increase sales on your WordPress site, but it can also be a major headache if not set up correctly. Before adding dynamic pricing to your site, be sure to test it thoroughly on a staging site first. Otherwise, you risk losing customers and damaging your reputation if the prices are not displayed correctly.

Finally, you’ll need to set up the rules for adjusting prices.” In the “Condition” field, you’ll need to select “Time of Day.

In the “Price Range” field, you’ll need to enter the time of day you want to adjust prices.”

Finally, you’ll need to set up the rule for triggering prices.

In the “Rule Type” field, you’ll need to select “Action.” In the “Condition” field, you’ll need to select “Customer.

” In the “Action” field, you’ll need to select “Add Rule.

In the “Trigger Rule” field, you’ll need to select the rule that will trigger the pricing change. In the “Condition” field, you’ll need to select “Customer.

Now, when a customer enters the details of their purchase, WordPress will adjust the price according to the rules you set up.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.