Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Add Facebook Pixel to Weebly?

How Do I Add Facebook Pixel to Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 3:03 pm

Adding Facebook Pixel to Weebly is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. First, you’ll need to create a Facebook Pixel in your Ads Manager.

Then, you’ll need to add the Facebook Pixel code to your Weebly site. Finally, you’ll need to test the Facebook Pixel to make sure it’s working correctly.

Creating a Facebook Pixel

1. Go to your Ads Manager. 2. Click on the Tools drop-down menu. 3. Select Pixels from the drop-down menu.

4. Click on the Create a Pixel button. 5. Enter a name for your pixel and click on the Create button. 6. Copy the pixel code and paste it into a text editor (like Notepad).

Adding the Facebook Pixel Code to Weebly

1. Log in to your Weebly account and go to your site editor. Click on the Settings tab and select SEO from the drop-down menu.

3. Paste the Facebook Pixel code into the Header Code box and click on the Save button. 4. Test the Facebook Pixel to make sure it’s working properly (see below).

Testing the Facebook Pixel

1. Go to your website and open up the browser console (right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect from the drop-down menu).

2. Select the Network tab from the console window. 3

PRO TIP: Weebly is a popular website builder, but it does not have built-in support for Facebook Pixel. While it is possible to add Facebook Pixel to a Weebly site using third-party code, this is not recommended unless you are comfortable with code and are confident in your ability to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.