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How Do I Add Files to WiX Installer?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:47 am

WiX is a powerful toolset for creating Windows Installer packages. It lets you create MSI and MSP files, which are used to install and update software on Windows systems. You can use WiX to add files to your installer packages in a number of ways.

The first way to add files to a WiX installer is to use the File element. This element tells WiX where to find the files that you want to add to the package. You can specify the path to the files using either absolute or relative paths. If you use relative paths, WiX will look for the files in the same directory as the WiX source file. For example, if your WiX source file is in the C:\MyProject directory, and you specify a relative path of “MyFile.txt”, WiX will look for the file in the C:\MyProject\MyFile.txt directory.


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You can also use the Component element to add files to your installer package. The Component element contains a list of all the files that make up a component of your application. When you add a file to a component, WiX will automatically add it to the installer package. You can use the Directory element to specify where WiX should install the files in the component. For example, if you have a component named “MyComponent” which contains two files, “MyFile1.txt” and “MyFile2.txt”, you can use the following WiX source code to add them to your installer package:

        <File Source="MyFile1.txt"/>
        <File Source="MyFile2.txt"/>

You can also add entire directories of files to your installer package using the DirectoryRef element. The DirectoryRef element allows you to reference a directory that is defined in another part of your WiX source code. For example, if you have a directory named “MyDir” which contains two files, “MyFile1.txt”, you can use the following WiX source code to add them to your installer package:

<DirectoryRef Id="MyDir">
        <File Source="MyFile1.txt"/>

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add files to a WiX installer, be aware that this process is not as straightforward as it may seem. There are a few things that you need to take into account, such as the file structure of your installer and the order in which the files will be installed. Failure to do so could result in your installer not working correctly.


How Do I Add Files To My WiX Installer?

There are multiple ways that you can add files into your WiX Installer.

The first way would be throught he File Element, which just points out where exactly WiX should look for those certain files.

If you have an entrie component of multiple different types of files, then you would want ot use teh Component Element.

Lastly, if there are directories of multiple different types of filles that need added into t heWiX Installer Package, then teh DirectoryRef Element would be best used.

Written by: Connor Pohlmann

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.