Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Add Keywords to My Fiverr Gig?

How Do I Add Keywords to My Fiverr Gig?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:41 am

When you create a Fiverr gig, one of the most important things you can do is to add keywords. This will ensure that your gig comes up in search results when people are looking for the services you offer.

There are a few different places where you can add keywords to your gig, and we’ll go over all of them here.

The first place you can add keywords is in the gig title. When creating your gig, you’ll be asked to enter a title and then a description.

The title is where you want to put your main keyword or phrase. For example, if you’re offering SEO services, your title could be “SEO Services – Get Your Site Ranked Higher on Google.”

After the title, there’s a spot for a short description of your gig. This is another great place to add keywords, but you want to be careful not to stuff too many in there or it will look spammy. A couple of relevant keywords should suffice here.

The next place you can add keywords is in the tags section. Fiverr allows you to add up to 5 tags per gig, so make sure to use them all!

Tags are basically just additional keywords that will help people find your gig. Again, try not to stuff too many keywords into each tag, or it will look spammy.

The last place you can add keywords is in the “about this gig” section. This is where you give potential buyers more details about what your gig includes.

Here, you want to include a mix of relevant keywords as well as some long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are simply phrases that are more specific than just a single word. For example, instead of just using the keyword “SEO”, you could use the long-tail keyword “on-page SEO optimization”.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about adding keywords to your Fiverr gig, be aware that this is not an effective way to improve your gig’s ranking or visibility. Fiverr’s search algorithm does not consider keywords when determining which gigs to show in search results. Therefore, adding keywords to your gig will not improve its ranking or make it more likely to be seen by potential buyers.

By including relevant keywords in all of these places, you’ll make it much easier for potential buyers to find your gig when they do a search on Fiverr. Just remember not to stuff too many keywords into each section or it will look spammy!

How Do I Add Keywords to My Fiverr Gig?

When creating a gig on Fiverr, one of the most important things that sellers can do is to add appropriate keywords throughout their gigs listings This will ensure that their gigs come up more frequently in search results when people are looking for the services they offer.

There are a few different places where users can add keywords to their gigs: titles, descriptions (short and long), tags, and even within the “About this Gig” section.

By including relevant keywords in all of these places, users will make it much easier for potential buyers who use the search function on Fiverr to find their gigs. It’s important not to stuff too many keywords into each section or it will look spammy!


Including relevant and appropriate keywords throughout your Fiverr listing is essential if you want your gig to come up frequently in search results pages. There are several places where users can enter these types of words: titles, descriptions (short and long), tags, and even within the “About this Gig” section.

Just remember not too stuff too many keywords into each field or it will appear unprofessional!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.