Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add My Logo to Shopify?

How Do I Add My Logo to Shopify?

Last updated on January 8, 2023 @ 4:20 pm

Adding a logo to your Shopify store is a great way to brand your business and make it look more professional. There are two ways to add a logo to your store: upload it through the “Settings” page, or add it directly to your theme’s code.

To upload your logo through the “Settings” page, log in to your Shopify admin and click “Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner. Then, click “Files” from the top menu.

On the “Files” page, click “Upload files” in the top right-hand corner. From here, you can either drag and drop your logo file into the window or click “Choose File” to select it from your computer. Once your logo has been uploaded, click “Save.”

To add your logo directly to your theme’s code, you’ll first need to download it from the “Settings” page. To do this, log in to your Shopify admin and click “Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner.

Then, click “Files” from the top menu. On the “Files” page, scroll down to find your logo file under the heading “Shopify logos.” Click on the file name to open it, then click “Download.”

Once you have your logo file saved on your computer, you’ll need to edit your theme code to add it. To do this, log in to your Shopify admin and click “Online Store,” then “Themes.”

Find the theme you’re currently using and click “Actions,” then “Edit code.” In the code editor, locate the file called header.liquid and click it to open it.

In header.liquid, look for the line of code that starts with

<div class="site-header__logo">.

Directly above this line of code, add a new line of code that looks like this:

<img src="{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="Your Store Name">.

Be sure to replace 'logo.png' with the name of your own logo file.

Once you've added this line of code, save your changes and check out your store frontend to see your new logo!

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add your logo to Shopify, be aware that there are some potential risks. First, unless you are a graphic designer, you may not be able to create a high-quality logo that looks professional. Second, if you use a logo that is not trademarked or copyrighted, you could be opening yourself up to legal action. Finally, even if you do create a great looking logo, it may not be allowed by Shopify if it does not meet their guidelines.

Adding a logo is a great way to personalize and brand Shopify stores.

There are two ways that are most common among users when adding logos. The first way is by using HTML code in order for users who are more familiarized with coding. This can be done by following these steps:
1) Downloading The Logo
2) Edit The Theme Code
3) Save The Changes
4) Check Out The Store Front End.

The second way is by using Shopify’s settings page which is more recommended for beginners or those not as familiar with coding. This can be done by these steps:
1) Login To Admin
2) Click “Settings”
3) Files Page
4) Upload Files
5) Save

Following either of these methods will help achieve adding a logo onto a Shopify store!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.